Mile Hi Lawn Aeration Care Tips- Pre-Emergents

Lawn Aeration Services

Using our services, your lawn can look like this in just days!

This tip from Mile Hi Aeration might help you- how to use the best lawn care to prevent weeds using a pre-emergent weed prevention application.  This can help you achieve a deep green healthy lawn that will withstand heat and hardships of summer.  Aeration is a key component to help drive any lawn treatment down into the root system of your lawn.

“Pre-emergents” are an all-encompassing class of chemicals that are engineered to destroy weeds before they even sprout.  50% of the effort used to achieve a green lawn starts with the one of most important products for your lawn, which is pre-emergent herbicide.

These Herbicides are a group of carefully chosen compounds designed to stop weed germination.  These come in 2 different application forms, liquid and granular.  Both are applied directly to the surface of your lawn and once applied, it penetrates your soil through watering which allows the compounds to stop seeds from germinating.

Correctly timing this application is crucial as weeds germinate earlier in year depending on region. Some pre-emergents have post-residual activity, giving the user some room for error; however as a rule pre-emergent must be applied before early spring or early fall, as most weeds sprout during this time.

The lawn care industry values the importance of a well-timed pre-emergent application and its ability to transform a troubled lawn; they work and work well when applied right. The use of pre-emergent remains the catalyst to a “majestic lawn” so to speak and without one, your ability to have a beautiful lawn is practically impossible.

A homeowner’s best resource for an education about the use of pre-emergent is the Internet, a local garden store or a home retail center. Learning how and when to apply an effective pre-emergent can be the answer to fixing a problem lawn and avoiding the “lawn blues” we’ve all dealt with before. If your job keeps you too busy to take the time for lawn work, you can hire a professional company with the right experience, helping you get one step closer to the green, weed-free lawn you’ve always dreamed of.